Looking to the past and linking to the future
Parklea Branching Out Ltd (PBO) was established in 1997 to help to develop local individuals with support needs to fulfil their potential.
Within the supportive and inclusive environment that PBO has developed we believe that the natural environment coupled with horticulture and learning can help everyone regardless of their age or disability, and provide a wealth of opportunities such as;
• Recreation
• Socialisation
• Education
• Achievement
• Health and well being
• Employment and training
• Transition support
National Heritage Lottery Fund
Parklea has been successful in securing funding from The National Lottery Heritage Fund to deliver a project looking into our past here at Parklea.
Part of this project includes delivering a series of heritage walks along the river front path adjacent to Parklea. These walks will be open to our clients who may have a variety of different needs, but who also have an interest in the heritage of the area. There is also the possibility of delivering walks to members of the local community who may not have engaged in the history of the area before.
Map of old Parklea from Renfrewshire, Sheet III (S. 1857; P. 1864)
Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland (CC-BY (NLS))
How to volunteer
We are looking for one or two people who may be interested in coordinating and delivering a heritage walk to small groups in Spring & Summer. One of the aims is to assist the clients here at Parklea to record a walk that can ultimately be followed independently on the walking app – GeoTourist.
The old timber ponds at Parklea (Unknown source)
If you are interested in getting involved please contact Susan Rose on susan@parkleaassociation.org.uk