Doors Open Days - 2021
First, the facts. First launched in 1990, 2021 is the 31st anniversary of Doors Open Days. It was part of the European City of Culture and most areas of Scotland are now involved. Quite simply, it is ~
“Scotland’s largest free festival and celebration of architecture, culture and heritage”
September is the month when all sorts of venues are open to the public for free. Many are not normally available or may charge if they do open. Additionally, related walks, talks and hands-on events have been available. All this helps to build a wider picture of the places we live and work in or where we spend our down time.
The Scottish Civic Trust co-ordinates events in Scotland which is part of European Heritage Days. It works with Scottish Archaeology Month which is organised by Archaeology Scotland, and both events are supported by Historic Environment Scotland.
Do you recognise this building? What is its history? Let us know what you think in the Comments box below.
So what is there to see or do in Inverclyde this weekend?
11th-12th Sept is Inverclyde’s Doors Open Days weekend 2021.
In the past, many places in Inverclyde opened their doors to welcome visitors; last year, there was a virtual event which was quite restricted.
This year there is a mix of indoor events, outdoor walks and virtual items. The full programme of events can be found on the Inverclyde Council Website and also on our EVENTS page.
Many of the events are only available by booking in advance - make sure you have a confirmed booking before you turn up!
Remember to go prepared for Covid restrictions!
IHN has created a virtual Family Trail which can be followed on foot or from home. An internet connection is needed to record responses, but you can go prepared for poor signals by downloading a pdf file to guide your family and record their answers.
All event details are available through our EVENTS page